

Thu, 03 Oct 2024 10:00:00 GMT+08 ~ Fri, 04 Oct 2024 16:00:00 GMT+08


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    Date日期2024-10-3/4 (Thursday/Friday 星期四/五)
    Meetup 集合信息

    10:00 @Futian Check Point 福田口岸
    Contact 联系人(Wechat 微信)greenfootadmin

    [活动报名费用 Fees]


    The registration fee includes insurance of RMB100,000, route exploring, event planning, people gathering.


    Old Green Footers(Attend GF events befor 2020) Price: 60RMB


    Normal Price: 80RMB

    【重要提示 Important Notification】


    We are a group, to better take care of everyone and get connected with each other in deeper level, we require everyone to enter a team.



    Ready to take an adventure with us? Escape from hot and noisy city into cool water in the nature! Join us for an adventurous and eco-friendly camping experience in Saikung! Get ready for an unforgettable weekend filled with kayaking and snorkeling activities, where you can explore the fascinating marine life and stunning coral formations.



    At our eco-campsite, we're committed to leaving no trace behind. We practice Leave No Trace principles and engage in eco-friendly practices throughout the weekend. You'll have the opportunity to practice sustainable living and conservation efforts while appreciating the beauty of nature.



    Our amazing kayaking and snorkeling tours featuring various marine animals and corals. You'll also have the chance to relax on the beach, swim in crystal clear water, and soak up the sun. In the evening, we'll gather around a bonfire for delicious BBQ, group talk, and stargazing under the clear sky.


    【志愿者招募Volunteers Needed

     lf you wanna be our Team Captain, Live streamer, Photographer, Writer,please contact wechat: greenfootadmin 

    如果你想成为这次活动组长,直播,摄影师,写手,请联系我们的绿脚丫管理员微信: greenfootadmin 

    奖励: 免去此次活动报名费用,副组长赠送10绿币,摄影师,直播和写手根据情况赠送相应绿币 

    Reward: refund event registration fee, Team Captain will get 10 greenpoints, Photographer and Writer will get greenpoints accordingly 

    副组长: 协助组长负责集合小组,协调小组成员的分工,大家一起完成食物的采购,烹饪,协助队友进行帐篷的租赁,交通的安排,团队的财务 

    Deputy Team Captain: Gather Team, assign task for members to do food purchase, Accomodation and transportation arrangement. Deputy team Leaders will be exempted event cost and be rewarded with 10 green points 


    Writer: writie about the whole party including each team and combine with your own experience.


    Phtographer: group photo, everyone's wonderful moments, close-up of picking up trash

    ITINERARY 行程安排

     Firsty Day 第1天:

           10:00 - Each team meet up at Futian Check point to go together to Saikung

                          每个小组早上10点在福田口岸集合, 一起乘坐地铁去西贡码头

           12:00 - Have lunch and purchase camping food



            14:00  -  Take bus No. 7 to Ho Hoi Village where we will start hiking around 1 hour to campsite

                          - 坐7号小巴去海下村,如何徒步一个小时去湾仔南露营地 


            16:00 - Arrive campsite and Setup tents (There are water supply, toilet and cold shower)

                      - 熟悉一下环境,开始搭帐篷(有自来水,厕所和冲凉)


            17:00 - Swim and Beach cleanup

                      - 游泳和清理沙滩垃圾


            18:00 - Start preparing dinner

                      - 开始准备晚餐

            20:30 - Group activity, team performance

                       - 集体活动,小组集体表演

            22:00  - Topic discussion and thoughts sharing

                       - 主题讨论,享受深夜谈话

     Second Day 第2天:

             7:00  - Wake-up call and breakfast at the campsite

                      - 起床并在营地享用早餐

            8:30 - walking to kayak and snorkeling place

                     - 徒步去浮潜和划船地方


            9:30  -  Rent boat and snorkeling gear, start kayaking and island cleanup

                     - 租船和浮潜装备,开始划船上岛捡垃圾和浮潜

                       Kayak 皮划艇:

                       One-seat 单人: 150HKD Two-seats 双人: 250HKD Three-seats 三人: 300HKD

                      Snorkeling mask 浮潜面罩: 40HKD Locker储物柜: 50HKD

            12:00 - Take the bus No.7 to saikung, going back to city

                     - 乘坐7号小巴去西贡码头,返回市区


            Note: The itinerary is subject to change based on weather and other conditions beyond our control.


    【Cancellation Refund Instructions 取消报名退款说明

         1. If you need a refund, please submit the application 24 hours before the event starts. No refunds will be accepted within 24 hours of the event. 


        2. When refunding a ticket, 10% of the ticket price will be charged as a handling fee.




    【免责申明 Declaimer 

    This is not a professionally guided tour. Hiking endures many risks. Green Foot will not be held liable, both legally and medically, for any harm that occures from our activities. We encourage everyone to hike within their limits. 


    绿脚丫活动宗旨 Green Foot Event Etiquette

    We go to the nature to clean up the rubbish left in nature, also its an experience for attendees to learn to respect the nature without hurting or influencing them. Except photos, we don't leave any trace.


    1,必须自带垃圾袋装自己的垃圾,并且带走Please bring rubbish bags to take your own rubbish and take away

    2,不可以抓任何海洋生物 Not allowed to scare or catch any marine lives

    3 ,任何我们去过的地方 Clean up every place we go and stay

    【绿脚丫简介 Green Foot Introduction】

    绿脚丫成立于2015年,总部在深圳,并在珠三角片区的拥有广州,东莞,惠州分部, 省外先后成立了上海,西安,成都分部。现在这8个城市以生活化、社交化的方式倡导和践行环保理念。绿脚丫亦是一个国际社交平台,聚集了来自美、德、英、印度及东南亚等30余个国家的环保爱好者,通过线上线下的活动累计辐射人数达10万余人。绿脚丫立志链接更广泛的人群,为一个绿意盎然的世界持续努力!

    Green Foot established in 2015 with headquarter set in Shenzhen and branches covered PRD Guangzhou, Dongguan, Huizhou while Shanghai, Xi'an, Chengdu and  Zhuhai were swiftly established in the past half year. Through the offline activities and media reports, we have reached and influenced over 100,000 international audience. Our mission is to connect more people and built a greener world together. 


     【绿脚丫精神 Green Foot Spirit】 

        Living the Green Foot Spirit - 活出绿脚丫精神

    •  去时比来时更干净

            Its cleaner when you leave.

    •  钱是自己的,资源是大家的

            Money is yours, resources are ours.

    • 不让一个人落单

           Nobody stands alone.

    • 带上笑容,敞开心扉

            Bring your smile and open heart.



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